Monday, April 16, 2007

Lisa Drew's students are winners, coast to coast

Well, we knew Lisa Drew knows how to inspire and motivate her students to produce the best online journalism in the country.

But we thought that gave us the edge when it came to competing in the Society for Professional Journalists' student media competition for the best independent student online journalism.

That's next year.

This year, Lisa's students in Alaska (where she taught until fall of 2006) have taken top honors in the SPJ's regional competition in the northwest.

And (you know where this is going, don't you?) her students here in Park have taken top honors in the SPJ's regional competition in the northeast.

That means Lisa's students in Alaska will be competing against Lisa's students in Ithaca for top honors in SPJ's national competition.

How's that for winning big, from coast to coast? Congratulations to Lisa, and her students, from Alaska to New York.


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