BE THERE!: FLEFF launches this week....don't miss it!

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival is one of the most exciting and imaginative events anywhere, and we're incredibly fortunate that it happens right here in Ithaca (thanks to the Herculean efforts of IC faculty Dr. Patty Zimmerman [go Park!] and Dr. Tom Shevory).
One (just one) of the programming themes is interactivity -- of all kinds. Check out this calendar of events:
Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2008
Interactive Counterpoints
Two days of immersion in ideas, debates, panels and forums with festival guests
Drop in between classes for informal, interactive sessions on camouflage, counterpoint, games and gastronomica.
Meet festival fellows from graduate programs across the country.
Thursday, April 3
10:50-12:05 CHS 203 FLEFF online curator Dale Hudson, Ubuntu.kuqala on counterpoint, featuring Witness’ The Hub
1:10-2:35 Friends 309 New media artist Stephanie Rothenberg on Usernomics 1.0: Rethinking our Relationship to Technology
1:10-2:35 Business School Auditorium Producer/director Lloyd Fales, screening, Return to Penquin City (Ithaca Premiere)
2:35-4 p.m. Panel with Lloyd Fales and environmental scientists on catastrophes, global warming and penquins
2:35-4 Park 281 FLEFF online curator Sharon Lin Tay, Ubuntu.kuqala on gastronomica
4-5:15 Park 281 Producer and media activist Gretjen Clausing, Precious Places and Counterpoint (Ithaca Premiere)
4-6 p.m. Park Aud. Digital Counterpoints: Performance and Networked Media with new media artist Stephanie Rothenberg, locative media artist Nick Louck, and FLEFF online curators Sharon Lin Tay and Dale Hudson
6:50-9:20 Hill 58 Computer gaming scholar Claudia Peterson on Gastronomic Games
7:00 –9:00 Park Auditorium Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? Community Forum (Ithaca Premiere) with a panel of health care activists and researchers, Reception to follow
Friday April 4
9:30 a.m. Park 140 Nature and Adventure Films Career Workshop with producer/director/ IC alum Lloyd Fales
10 a.m. Handwerker Gallery FLEFF online curators Dale Hudson and Sharon Lin Tay , A tour through Ubuntu.kuqala
11 a.m. Handwerker Gallery Novelist and nonfiction writer Sorayya Khan , reading and slide show on A Topography of Banda Aceh: Notes from Journey
12-1 Park 332 Feature Film Career Workshop with Kino Int’l acquisitions/IC alum Rodrigo Brandao
1 p.m. Park Aud. Technocultural theorist Ulises Mejias on Alternate Realities, Simulated Risks: Games, Politics, Action
2 p.m. Park Aud Producer and media activist Gretjen Clausing, Precious Places and Gastronomica,
3-3:15 Break
3:15 Park Aud New media artist Stephanie Rothenberg on The School of Perpetual Training Workshop
4:30-6 p.m. How to Get Your Break Forum, with former VP of Viacom, Steve Gordon, screenwriter/director Ramin Bahrani, Kino Int’l/IC Alum Rodrigo Brandao, screenwriter Steve Ginsberg, and literary agent Leslia Daniels (any student who attends receives a $2.00 discount coupon for one festival film at Cinemapolis or Fall Creek!)
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