Way to go, Tommy! Inman takes top honors in photo contest!

Excellent is as excellent does, as my grandma used to say.
And what, exactly, does that mean?
It means that the quality of a person is expressed in his or her actions.
Take Tommy Inman, for example. You all know Tommy as the guy who solves all the problems and answers all the questions in our photo labs.
What you may not know, though, is that Tommy is as talented a photographer as he is a helpful and knowledgeable TechOps staffer.
Proof? His photo just won one of two major prizes at the State of the Art Gallery's 19th Annual Juried Photography Show in downtown Ithaca.
The judge awarded six prizes this year... two major prizes of $150 each and four minor prizes of $50 each.
Tommy's winning photo was titled "Orangutan Hand" that he took at the Erie, Pennsylvania Zoo in 2006.
Ithaca College was well represented in the show, as usual, with students Julie Chung and Billy Feldman having pieces accepted as well.
The State of the Art Gallery show runs through March 29th. You can check
them out at http://www.soag.org.
Congratulations, Tommy! Yipppeeeeee!
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