Alumni Film on POV July 13

Jeremy Levine '06 and Landon Van Soest '04 of Transient Pictures made a film in Kenya, "Good Fortune" that will show on the PBS Show POV on Tuesday July 13 at 10PM. This is what the POV website has to say about the film:
"The new documentary Good Fortune delivers eye-opening answers from the point of view of the people resisting development projects that are supposed to help them. To capture this vantage point, director Landon Van Soest spent over a year and a half in Kenya, living on a shoestring and filming in areas he had been warned were too dangerous to enter. The result is a rare and intimate portrait of two vibrant Kenyan communities, one urban, the other rural. What they share is being square in the crosshairs of huge aid projects whose supposed benefits don’t impress them. In fact, people in these two communities believe the projects will devastate their lives, and they have organized to fight back."
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