Monday, October 08, 2007

Saw I, II, III, etc....and how to be a film producer

Dan Heffner, one of the Park School's most accomplished and well-respected alumni, is coming back to campus next week to talk to Parkies about how to be a film producer.

Students who heard Dan speak last spring said he was among the most informative and inspiring people they'd ever met....and they were right.

This year, we're asking you to sign up in advance, so we can be sure to schedule the program in a venue that fits the crowd.

Here's the info from April:

Here are the details:

Master Class
"Producers Master Class"
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Park Auditorium

Dan Heffner, Producer of the "SAW" films will walk you through the role of a film Producer. He will discuss the responsibilities, roles, challenges and opportunities of a producer -- from start to finish? He will also bring some footage from his upcoming film "Repo! The Genetic Opera" starring Paris Hilton.

To get a sense of our numbers we are NOW requiring sign-ups for this course. Please stop by the Dean's Office (Park 311) between 8:30am-5:00pm Monday thru Friday to sign up. Please note... Sign ups will not be taken over e-mail.



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