Welcome Back! And now get ready....

If you've done it before, you remember what the spring semester is like (and if you haven't, well, it's going to be nothing but a blur...):
You get back from spring break (we missed you), and you feel relatively relaxed, happy to be back on campus, ready to pick it all up and get going again...
And then it hits:
How IN THE WORLD are we ever going to get everything done between now and the end of April?
We're only talking about six weeks here, and that includes the distractions of Easter (for those of you who celebrate that holiday) and Purim and Passover (for those of you who celebrate those)...not to mention the warm breezes and sunny afternoons of spring in Ithaca.
And in the midst of all of our own projects and pasttimes, the Park School has an amazing line-up of special events scheduled between now and the end of the semester.
I mean it: Amazing (and yes, I know I use that word all the time, and I know I have just a tad of a tendency to be somewhat, sort of, kind of hyperbolic...but really. This time I mean it. Amazing.).
See for yourselves (and please, mark your calendars: how crazy would it be to miss the chance to meet these folks?):
Natalie Morales, NBC's Today Show
Jessica Savitch Distinguished Journalism Lecturer
Thursday, March 27
7:30 p.m.
Park Aud.
2008 Rod Serling Conference
Friday, March 29-Saturday, March 30
There will be events/presentations that are open to students such as the Twilight Zone Marathon
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival
March 30-April 6
Christiane Amanpour (CNN's chief international correspondent) and James Rubin (foreign policy adviser)
Park Distinguished Visitor Series
Wednesday, April 9
7:30 p.m.
Location TBA
Rick Frishman '76
Park School Writing Award Lecture Series
"How to Get Published in America"
Wednesday, April 16
7:30 p.m.
Emerson Suites
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