Finally! The Park Center for Independent Media launches next week!

After two years of planning and preparations -- including hiring Jeff Cohen as our Center Director -- the Park Center for Independent Media launches next week.
The Center's first national event begins on Monday with the arrival of 25 of the country's leading journalism innovators, individuals who are turning the traditional media world upside down -- all in the pursuit of excellent journalism in a digital age.
The Park Center for Independent Media Symposium is an invitation-only event, an opportunity for this group of thought leaders to spend time together sharing ideas, developing new strategies, and creating partnerships. With Jeff's guidance, they'll focus on key questions and issues around independent journalism -- from revenue models to collaborations.
You, too, are invited to attend.
The symposium events on Tuesday will be open to students and faculty who want to stop in and listen to the conversations as they develop throughout the day. It's a rare opportunity to observe the interactions of some of the nation's leading journalism innovators, all in one place.
Here's the schedule:
TUESDAY (Sept 16) Clark Lounge/Campus Center
Session 1: 9:30-11am Independent Media Successes, Obstacles, Potentials
Session 2: 11:10am-1pm Business/Revenue/Marketing Approaches
Session 3: 3-4:30pm New Initiatives, Collaborations, Technologies
Tuesday night, the Park Center for Independent Media will present its first national lecture, presented by renowned blogger Josh Marshall, author of Talking Points Memo. The site won this year's Polk Award in legal reporting for its relentless coverage of the politically-motivated firings of U.S. Attorneys by the White House. The coverage led to Congressional hearings and the ultimate resignation of the Attorney General.
The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. in Emerson Suites; Marshall will discuss “The Importance and Future of Independent Media.”
We hope to see you all there!
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