The "It" guy comes to Ithaca...Howard Rodman will be here Thursday

Here's what Movie City Indie has to say about screenwriter Howard Rodman (photo above by the guy who writes Indy City, Ray Pride):
CAN SUNDANCE MOVE ON FROM "IT GIRLS" TO "IT SCRIBES? Howard A. Rodman passes for the "it" scribe of Sundance's opening days, as writer and co-producer on two debuts at Sundance, August, directed by Austin Chick (XX/XY, Sundance 2002), and Savage Grace, the welcome return of Tom Kalin to feature-making. Rodman is a screenwriter, Writers Guild activist, USC screenwriting teacher, and an artistic director of the Sundance Institute Screenwriting Labs, among other pursuits...."
As it turns out, one of those pursuits is coming to visit Ithaca College on Thursday, Sept. 11. Rodman will screen two half-hour episodes from FALLEN ANGELS, a Showtime anthology of short film noir.
Both episodes were written by Rodman and were produced by Sydney Pollack and directed by Steven Soderbergh.
Screenwriter Howard Rodman
September 11, 2008
8 p.m.
Park Auditorium
Question-and-Answer session to follow screening
His recent film, Savage Grace will screen at Cornell Cinema on Sept. 12 and 13.
Thanks for the link! I like my photo of Mr. Rodman very much.
Sorry if this is presumptuous - as a friend of director Austin Chick's mother, it's been highly interesting following the progress and development of "August." I second Dean Lynch and definitely recommend coming to the screening and talk - it looks to be very eye-opening and stimulating.
Mitch Murdock (a Parkie)
*Apologies if I sent this twice - bad internet.
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