Too many amazing options, too little time.....

ICTV's fearless leader arrives at the ICTV-WICB game Saturday afternoon just in time to watch WICB score...three times. What's up with that!?!?
You know it's the end of the semester in the Park School when there are at least three extraordinary events going on every single minute....and there's just no way to be at all of them at the same time.
Take the past few days, for example:
The Ithacan held its annual banquet on Thursday night. I missed it the past few years, so I made a point of being there this year.
Good thing, too: If I hadn't, I would have missed seeing an entire staff of talented, committed and exceptional journalists receive much-deserved recognition for their accomplishments this year.
And I wouldn't have gotten all choked up listening to Erica Hendry say all kinds of really nice things about me (thank you, Erica), nor been there to receive the Year in Review signed by all of those amazing journalists, just for me (thanks, you guys).
And finally, I wouldn't have heard Erica play the was a once-in-the-life-of-a-Park-dean affair, no doubt about it.
But while I was enjoying the Ithacan's celebration, I was missing what I understand was one of the best Park events in recent (or even not-so-recent) times: The first (annual) Golden Doorknob Awards presentation.
Steve Gordon showed up in a tux, Pete Johanns was his usual Pete-y self, and four films walked away (well, you know what I mean) with cash prizes.
Here's the rundown:
First Place:
Derek Hartman '11, John Ungaro '10, Mike Sutter '11, Kyle Begley '11, and Matt Rigby '11

Second Place:
Tim, His Child, Her Mother and The Doorknob
Edward Bursch '09
Third Place:
Shuffles and Spite
Chris Nolen '09 and Christina O'Rourke '09 (written by: Courtney Clark '09)
Parkie 100 Award:
Past Out
James Heasley '12, Abby Smith '12, Daniel Gendron '12, David Reynolds '11 Stephanie Wisniewski '12
And as if that wasn't enough, while we were all at those events, the Senior Photography Exhibit was holding its gala opening at the very same time downtown. I managed to visit the exhibit this weekend, thank heavens - and it was very VERY worth visiting. (I'm always awe-struck by the work at that event....)
And that was just Thursday.
TVR's Video Workshop held its screening Friday night: from a cooking show to a Rozatones video to a fast-frame portrait of New York City, the work was the best I've seen in years. Really. Impressive.
Saturday brought the Cine Prod I and Animation screenings, and the second round of Video Workshop.
It was also the date of the annual WICB-ICTV baseball showdown....after a slow start, ICTV came on in the final innings, and walked off with the game, 17-14.
Take a look:

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