Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Big Week in Park


This is going to be a BIG week in the Park School, so please: mark your calendars and join us for as many events as possible.

The first Student Advisory Council meeting will be held in Park 285 at 7 p.m. This is just an opportunity to sit down with the dean (that would be me) to talk about your ideas for making the Park School a better place. I buy pizza, you come with suggestions. It's a good deal.

And if you'd rather talk journalism than Park stuff, this just in from SPJ:

The Ithaca College Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will have its first meeting this Monday night, 9/12 at 7 PM in Park 220. This is a great chance to meet other journalists at IC, eat some free food, and talk with the student media managers here at Ithaca College. We'll also be telling you what we have in store for the rest of the semester.

Note from Dianne: Maybe you could make it to BOTH meetings? Twice the food, twice the conversation?

Bill Moyers is one of the smartest and most thoughtful journalists and social critics in America, and he is coming to the Park School to talk about everything from politics to Katrina.

His big public lecture, “Moyers On America” will be held Tuesday night at 7:30 in the Ben Light Gymnasium. We're setting chairs for 2,000 but come early: it will be crowded.

We're having a "Town Hall" open meeting with Bill Moyers from noon to 2 p.m. in the Park School Auditorium. It's open to IC faculty, staff and students ONLY, so bring your ID.

See you then!


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