Don't just be it. WEAR IT.

Now's your chance to show off your Parkie pride...right there, in blue and white, all snuggy and warm in time for winter.
The Sigma Iota Epsilon management honor society (which includes LOTS of our very own Parkies) is selling hoodies to raise money to support its activities.
Come on: Can you think of *anything* your parents would rather have for a holiday prezzie than a Park hoodie? And what about you? Don't you think they'd love to know that that's exactly what you're dreaming of (along with those visions of sugarplums, ipods, and iphones, etc.)?
Watch for the posters and order forms around campus in the coming weeks, and for the tables set up in the Park and Business schools, too.
I think we should all buy one and then take a picture of 1400 of us, standing in front of the school, with a big sign that says HO HO HO. We're Parkies and Proud of it.
Don't you?
yes. i think that's an excellent idea, Dean Lynch!
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