Parkie Power: Party F.R.E.S.H. runs for SGA Exec Board!

Three Parkies -- Mara Engel, Kameron Mohammed and Eddie Lemonier -- are members of the leadership team of Party F.R.E.S.H. - For Refreshing Every Students Hope in IC, which is running for Student Government Association Executive Board. You can check it out on the party's facebook site...:
Party F.R.E.S.H. plans to energize the student body with fresh legislation and fresh personalities infused into the Student Government Association. Our party has the common goal of servicing the needs of the student population, as well as engaging the student body through campus pride.
A few other goals of Party F.R.E.S.H. are to ease the coming transition for the new president, the community, and the student body and finish SGA projects already in progress. Finally, we promise greater communication between members of the executive board and the needs of clubs and orginizations and individuals at IC. VOTE F.R.E.S.H.
President - Michael Bender
V.P. of Academics - Mara Engel
V.P. of Business and Finace - Jeremy Lee
V.P. of Campus Affairs - Kam Mohammed
V.P. of Communication - Eddie Lemonier
Specific Policy changes and initiatives:
-having full SGA monthly meetings with top administration in a non-formal setting for increased communication.
-Holding one meeting a month in a more public forum such as the pub, textor, or the quad(weather permitting).
-Putting SGA meeting mintues on intercom every week.
-Increased energy and passion at SGA meetings.
-SGA sponsorship of big events on campus (ex.CORTACA) as well as placing influence on bigger campus events (Homecoming, outdoor tailgate concert ect...)
-Finalize Circles Shuttle system by graduation.
-Start explorotary committee into rising costs at on campus business (MAC'S/Bookstore, pub) compared to stagnet level of bonus bucks.
-Increase attention to any and all changes in Financial Aid, a.k.a. making sure needs of student popualtion are being cared for by new president.
-More signs and advertisments pointing to where the Student Activiteis Center is, and creating an environment more accessible to the student population.
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