Thursday, September 03, 2009

FREE - valuable cross-cultural leadership training

Park students: When (and I do say "when" and not "if"!) you've risen your career and you've been identified as a high-potential executive, you may be given the opportunity to go to an expensive training course in cross-cultural leadership. OR - you may decide at some point that you'll need to invest in this kind of training yourself in order to move up the ladder.

How about a jump-start? IC's Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is offering a 2.5 day retreat October 9-11. If you're selected, you'll learn to identify your personal values and cross cultural leadership goals, constructively collaborate with others, serve as positive social change agents, and highlight these important leadership skills in your resume, portfolio, and job or internship interviews. AND -- it's FREE. It's what will set you apart from thousands of other talented communicators, and what will enable you to effectively lead diverse teams and production crews.

Submit your application by September 24.


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