Monday, April 11, 2005

What a Week!


I know you guys are all used to it, but last week in the Park School has to be one for the records...

In addition to the usual demands of fall registration,
-- we hosted our Jessica Savitch speaker, Mara Liasson, political correspondent at National Public Radio;
-- many of our students participated in the Whalen Symposium (including the Park Scholars, for the first time);
-- we welcomed a group of visitors from Antigua, including the Minister of State;
-- we hosted the inaugural Occupied Spaces symposium, which I am told is the first scholarly symposium in the Park School;
-- and we debuted a new and (I'm also told) much-improved version of Ithaca Today, which drew more than 800 people to Park on Saturday.

And each event was its own huge success story.

The Park School is an exceptional learning community, and it doesn't happen by itself. My sincere thanks to the hundreds of students, faculty and staff who step up, pitch in, and help to make this the amazing place that it is.

And speaking of amazing:

Dr. Sandra Herndon, professor and chair of the graduate program in OCLD, will speak at 7 p.m. tonight in Park 220. "Seeing Organizations through Metaphor: 'Little Boxes' versus Webs and Weather" will be Dr. Herndon's final public presentation before she leaves Ithaca College this summer on a one-year sabbatical preceding her retirement. Please join us.


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