Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saw update: Mark your calendars!

You may have already read the announcement that Dan Heffner, Park alum and producer of the Saw movies (among other films) is coming to Park this month.

If you scroll down the blog, as a matter of fact, there's this pretty bizarre photograph of me sitting in the Saw bathroom. (People who haven't seen the movies really wonder why the dean is sitting on the floor in a filthy old bathroom, grinning ear to ear....oh well).)

Well, we realized that we had scheduled Heffner to come to campus on Homecoming Saturday, and his presentation was going to conflict with the football game. I happen to be a Bombers fan myself, so we decided to ask Dan if he could postpone his trip one week, until Sept. 30.

Turns out that works better for him, anyway. So mark your calendars: Heffner will be in the Park Aud on Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. to talk about the films, the business, and anything else you want to discuss.

Be there. He may even show some clips of the new Saw III movie; I was on the set for two days. It is so totally gross. Like ick.

You'll love it.


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