Wednesday, January 30, 2008

VIC...signing on!


I know you know where to find it (OK, I'll make it easy for you, it's right here), and I know you know how good it put those two things together and you know everything you need to know about VIC.

Students used to call VIC the "other" radio station in the Park School, but that was before the station upped its bandwidth and expanded its audience (and its programming).

Today, it's a thriving (yeah, that's such a mom way to say it, but you know what I mean?) "alternative to terrestrial radio" -- and its 50 Hour Marathon is becoming one of the best and most valuable events in the school all year.

This year's marathon is scheduled April 4-6 and the beneficiary is the S.P.C.A. (you know, the Humane Society), and no, that doesn't mean we're all going to adopt new puppies and kitties in the Park School. But maybe it does mean we can contribute a few dollars to keep them fed and happy until somebody else decides to take them home.

The station's growth and success are really the result of the talent and energy of its staff: I went looking on the site for a complete list so I could include it here but I couldn't find one (not even on its Facebook site!). If somebody sends it, I'll post it.

In the meantime, I can tell you that the station has just appointed a new News Director: Welcome to Bethany Hinckley! And thanks to everybody involved in the station for all you do to make VIC such a great part of the Park School's media family.


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