How about a semester in Washington?

This great opportunity just came across my desk -- and it reminds me to make you aware of the opportunity to spend a semester or summer at IC's Washington, DC program. I visited our facilities and Dr. Deborah Curry, the DC Program Director, in May and I was really pleased to hear about the terrific courses, special tours and speakers, and internships there. (Not to mention that our center is within a short walk to the Washington Zoo and an eclectic and diverse neighborhood of restaurants and shops!) Anyway....
The Student Press Law Center in the Washington DC area is offering PAID internships. You'd come away with experience working on their print magazine, website, and their Twitter and social networking pages. Former SPLC interns are working at U.S. News and World Report, CNN and in many other interesting legal and journalistic jobs, and it is especially excellent training for anyone who might be looking down the road at law school.
Deadline: July 10 for fall internships
This is one of many opportunities available in the Washington metro area. Park students have worked at internships including event planning, journalism, not-for-profit fundraising, museum promotions, marketing and PR, and radio programming. Some of our intern sites there include
- Brotman Winter Fried Communications
- Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press
- Washington Post
- XM Radio Programming
- National Museum of Women in the Arts
- Georgetown University Sports Information
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
Start planning now for next year and beyond. Internships are one of the most important factors in helping you decide on your career focus and to gaining entry into this competitive job market. Beyond being the seat of government, Washington is full of museums, Ad/PR agencies, embassies, broadcast stations, not-for-profit organizations, and news organizations.
When you get back, talk with your advisor, Eloise Greene (our internship coordinator here in Park) or Dr. Deb Curry about the possibilities.