It's been almost three months since the last time I shared great Park news with you all here on the blog....and you know, I missed talking to you all.
No worries. I'm back. And before you know it, you will be, too.
And when you get here, the first thing you need to do is race over to Park: The lobby renovation is still a work in progress -- it took ALL summer -- and yes, we're fixing the ceiling. But it looks one heck of a lot better than it used to, and when we get the flat screens installed on the big wall (now all wood paneling) and we get your work installed on the flat screens....well, it's going to look as dynamic, exciting and creative as the work that goes on in the building. Which is, of course, the whole point.
And yes, you won't believe it, but it's actually TRUE: The food cart has arrived. It's there, right smack in the corner of the lobby, as big and beautiful and about-to-be as full of real food as you always imagined it would be.
Isn't that amazing? I was beginning to wonder if we would ever get it done. But I do keep my promises. And that darned food cart is living proof.
All kinds of other amazing things happened this summer, too.
For starters, we won all kinds of national student media awards. I know, I know, you feel like we're ALWAYS winning national student media awards, and you're right: we are. But just think about it. Every time we win another one, we're beating out the other great communications programs all over the country.
And you know, when you think about how often we do that,'s pretty clear. Park really is the best of the best.
This summer, for example, iMPrint, our online student magazine, took first place in the online magazine competition sponsored by the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication. That's the professional organization of all the schools of mass comm in the country, and you can believe that every school with a magazine enters the competition. And we won. First place. The best. That's us. (Arizona State was second....close, but no cigar [as my grandfather used to say....]
(By the way, iMPrint's Recruitment Night is Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. in Clark Lounge in Campus Center. Show up. It's a great magazine and an amazing group of students....)
And that's not all.
Buzzsaw Haircut was named "Publication of the Year" by Campus Progress, a division of the Center for American Progress. The magazine also won two first-place Campus Independent Journalism Awards, sponsored by the Independent Press Association -- one for economic/labor coverage for Julie Perg's ('06, OCLD) article "A Hunger for Ethics" and one for GLBT coverage for Meagan Murray's ('08, journalism) article "Paradox Found."
And that's not all.
We just found out last week that "Breaking the Cycle," WICB/VIC's entry into the College Broadcasters Student Production Awards, is a finalist in the "Best Radio Feature" category. Winners will be announced at the CBI Awards ceremony on Friday October 27th at the conference in St. Louis.
And that's not all.
"Taps," a film produced by four of our recent grads -- Vince Versace, Nogen Melamed, Mike Sanders and George Cuddy --
took first place in the Best Short Film category at the Rhode Island International Film Festival, beating out films produed by people like Gwyneth Paltrow and Adrien Greneir. The film has also been selected as a semi-finalist in the Angelus Student Film Festival, which screens in the Directors Guild in Hollywood.
And that's STILL not all.
Andrew Steeley was one of 14 college students nationwide selected as a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship by the Bayliss Foundation, the philanthropic organization of the radio industry. "These ambitious students were selected to receive the Bayliss Radio Scholarship because of their academic achievement and extracurricular radio activities, their passion for radio adn their desire to contribute to the overall advancement of the radio industry," the foundation announced.